Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Asylum opens its doors for visitors

Hello everyone, my name is Angel (aka lunatik) - a student from Bulgaria with passion for drawing.

I'm creating this blog as an online diary, to keep track of my progress as an artist. I've been planning to open my own blog for some time and finally decided to do it.

Let me tell you how al this started... I gained interest in drawing when I bought my tablet (Wacom Volito 2) this summer. The idea was to use it for texturing purposes. But as you can see a twist of events threw me in a slightly different direction. One of the main reasons why I want to learn to draw is because I think it will help me improve my 3D skills, mainly: modeling and texturing. I must admit I didn't dive in then as much as I want now and after a while I gave up. I don't remeber why, I just stopped drawing. After I started my education at the Technical University here in Sofia the desire to draw slowly crept out of the closet and here I find myself today, continuing the struggle and this time (I hope) not giving up.

I hope all this mumble-jumble hasn't scared you away, so without further delay here are my first value studies in Photoshop:

At the moment I'm finding difficulties with color mixing. As you can see everything is splotchy, not smooth enough. Guess I'll have to keep working at it, can't avoid it. Proportions are also a pain in the ass, but I thnik we'll get along.

These were done in early december:


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